Student Highlights

Frontier Fellow: Jennifer Valadez

The Frontier Fellows program funds undergraduate research for a full year, giving students a unique career-building experience. Valadez’s research focuses on carbon sequestration and soil carbon stocks in California coastal prairie as a sustainable solution to rising carbon emissions in the atmosphere. 

Department Events

Whole Earth Seminar Series: May 7, 2024 

3:30PM, Nat Sci Annex 101 

Title: Production and Characterization of Carbonaceous Laboratory Analogs of Planetary Atmospheric Aerosols, Surface Materials, and Cosmic Grains

Speaker: Ella Sciamma-O'Brien  

IGPP Series: May 10, 2024

12:00PM, EMS A340

Title:Characterizing the seasonal evolution of the Greenland hydrologic system and its relationship to ice sheet dynamics 

Speaker: Mark Behn

Save the Date: EPS Alumni Reunion 2024!

 We are excited to host the next EPS Alumni Reunion on October 4-6, 2024. Details TBA. 
